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Secondary Education

Secondary Education

We always strive for the comprehensive education of our students; students who are happy and prepared for the future, academically competent, emotionally sensitive, and culturally and socially committed.

Academic Training

We develop their intellectual potential, fostering responsibility and autonomy in academic work. Our unique methodology is based on the acquisition of mechanisms that build knowledge through experience and reflection.

With a level of demand adapted to the needs of each student, we motivate and accompany the student at all times so that they are capable of:

  • developing skills such as self-awareness, the construction of their own identity, emotional regulation, and critical thinking,
  • effectively managing their own thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, reasoning, induction and deduction, and expression,
  • becoming aware of the importance of perseverance and effort as essential conditions for progress,
  • acquiring a taste for learning and continuing to learn by promoting autonomous learning and responsibility, including aspects such as interest, precision, organization, planning, and rigor.

How do we assess learning?

Student assessment is global, continuous, and differentiated according to subjects. We have clear and coherent assessment criteria to determine the degree of achievement of basic competencies and objectives of each subject. The teaching staff is coordinated to improve learning processes.

Human Formation

We understand education as personal enrichment that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge. We seek the progress of the student in areas such as self-esteem, self-confidence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual help, and collaboration.

How do we educate and promote humanizing values?

  • We include and put into practice the work of attitudes, values, and norms in all our curricular projects.
  • We teach specific subjects such as Culture and Ethical Values and Guidance.
  • We carry out cross-cutting projects on health, the environment, social solidarity, cooperation, and collaboration between stages.
  • We promote spaces for student participation.
  • We implement a tutorial action plan that enhances personal growth and social integration.


Tutorial action is fundamental for the personal, academic, and professional development of the student. The tutor, in collaboration with families, ensures the personal and social competencies of each student.

Social and Cultural Training

We promote education beyond the classrooms to reinforce the knowledge acquired. We are convinced that education in the socio-cultural sphere is a rewarding experience for students, stimulating responsible coexistence in a framework of participation, respect, flexibility, solidarity, commitment, interest, and tolerance, while awakening their curiosity.

In Secondary Education, we achieve this through the following activities:

  • Celebration of Festivities and Traditions: We actively participate in the festivities and traditions of our culture, such as La Mercè, Castanyada, Christmas, Carnival, Easter, Sant Jordi (the School’s Main Festival) as well as popular festivals with giants, pipers, and drummers.
  • Outings and Cultural Activities: We have excursions and cultural activities related to music, art, language, literature, and knowledge of our and other cultures. We also collaborate in community actions that promote respect for the environment.
  • Cultural Days: Over three days, we introduce students to academic, social, and cultural topics, current or of special interest to adolescents. These days include conferences, debates, talks, workshops, and outings.
  • Literary Days: We celebrate a festival centered on literature to spread culture, with activities that expand the world of literary and cultural leisure, such as visits to cultural centers, exhibitions, conferences, and theater performances by students. We highlight the School’s Main Festival day, a heartfelt day for all of us.
  • Beginning of Course Tutorial Outing: We organize a one-day outing at the beginning of the school year to welcome students, allowing them to have a relaxed contact with the tutor, favouring group dynamics, and sharing course expectations.
  • Synthesis Work and Research Project: This activity combines individual tasks with teamwork, aimed at bringing students closer to research.
  • Literary Contests: We hold literary contests in Spanish and English (The Roald Dahl Creative Writing Competition), as well as the Floral Games in Catalan, to observe the vitality of literature written by students.
  • Participation in External Literary and Mathematical Contests: We actively participate in contests such as Reading Aloud and the High School Debate League, as well as the Maths Kangaroo Cup.

Attention to Diversity

We have different resources, strategies, and methodologies to address diversity inside and outside the classroom.

  • Group divided in Catalan language, Spanish language, and mathematics subjects (from 1st to 3rd of ESO).
  • Support classes in small groups for Catalan language, Spanish language, and mathematics (from 1st to 3rd of ESO, 3 hours/week).
  • English in small groups (the tutorial group is divided in two).
  • Linguistic support for newcomer students: language classroom (2nd and 4th of ESO) and optional subject of linguistic support (1st and 3rd of ESO).
  • Specific classroom support from teaching staff linked to the Educational Guidance Service, assigned by the Diversity Care Commission.
  • German and French as a second foreign language.
  • Cooperative work
  • Individual work
  • Project work
  • Support and individual follow-up in both academic and personal aspects
  • Specific work plans and strategies, guaranteeing the realization of individualized plans, for those students who require it.
  • Use of iPads, as a pedagogical resource, since we value the need to bring our students closer to a valuable tool in their learning process. Its use allows us to work on the safe and responsible use of digital technologies, taking care to manage one’s own digital identity and respect for others’.
  • Continuous tutorial monitoring of students (group tutorial and individual tutorial).
  • Own Educational Guidance Service.
  • Personal, academic, and vocational guidance program in 4th year of ESO so that our students can make an autonomous and responsible decision regarding post-compulsory studies.
  • Coordination and supervision with the educational psychologist and/or social worker of the EAP.
  • Coordination with external services that assist students with special educational needs (NESE).