Primary Education
6/12 years
“Initial cycle: 1st and 2nd (from 6 to 8 years old), middle cycle: 3rd and 4th (from 8 to 10 years old), and upper cycle: 5th and 6th (from 10 to 12 years old).
Learning to learn with an open mind and with awareness and willingness to continuously improve.
Primary Education is a fundamental and privileged educational stage within the students’ formative process. This educational stage is the ideal framework for progressively acquiring basic competencies and the necessary tools to carry out new learning and lay the foundations for a personal education based on personal autonomy, responsibility, solidarity, freedom, participation, and individual and collective commitment; to learn the basic elements of language, geographical environment, history, and traditions; to be able to participate in building a better world and continue learning throughout life.”

Academic Formation
In primary, we have an educational approach incorporating methodologies that take into account the variability of learning and adjust to the needs of each student. The acquired knowledge can be applied in different environments, last over time, and equip students to tackle challenges in a wide range of contexts.
This approach ensures that each student delves into their learning process with the aim of improving their competence in various areas and developing fundamental skills that allow them to be autonomous and responsible. Through self-awareness, the construction of one’s own identity, and other aspects such as critical thinking, we promote the development of ways of being and acting that are essential for personal growth.
We give importance to individual work, enhancing each student’s unique abilities, while also promoting cooperative and collaborative work, emphasizing the importance of social learning and teamwork skills at all educational levels.
Our assessment of the learning process is global, continuous, and differentiated according to the specific competencies of each area. We seek to assess and value progress to adapt educational strategies and meet the needs of each student. In this understanding of assessment, the involvement and commitment of students in their assessment process are fundamental, as it promotes self-regulation and metacognition.
Assessment should allow both teachers and students to identify advancements, difficulties, and errors that arise during the educational process and make timely decisions to achieve competencies. With dedicated and competent teaching staff, we ensure comprehensive and tailored monitoring for each student.
Human Formation
At IPSI, we consider human development a priority. We aim for students to progress towards important educational goals such as self-esteem, self-confidence, love, and respect for their own lives and the lives of others.
We educate and promote these humanizing values through our curricular projects, specific subjects such as the education of values and natural and social environment, and tutorial activities.
Tutoring is fundamental for the personal, academic, and professional development of each student. With a collaborative approach with families, our tutors are committed to getting to know each student well, applying cohesive pedagogical proposals, and maintaining active communication with families.

Social and Cultural Formation
Sociocultural activities complement our education, favouring the application of knowledge acquired by students outside the classroom. Through parties, traditions, cultural outings, and other activities, we promote responsible coexistence, fostering values such as respect, solidarity, and tolerance.
Attention to Diversity
in Primary Education: Fostering an Inclusive Environment
We have our own Educational Guidance Service that ensures an inclusive educational environment adapted to the specific needs of our students. Below are some of our key initiatives:
- Co-teaching. We implement shared teaching sessions between two or more teachers who work closely together to create a richer learning environment. Throughout the school year, three weekly hours are dedicated to co-teaching to improve reading and writing. Throughout primary school, there are co-teaching sessions with the tutor and a co-teacher. Weekly shared teaching hours are also provided with staff from our own Educational Guidance Service, and additional hours are offered with a specialized educator for students with special educational needs.
- Comprehensive support: Individual follow-up in both academic and personal aspects. We carry out exhaustive tutorial monitoring and implement specific work plans and strategies for those students who require individualized attention. We prioritize the emotional support of students and their families, establishing direct and continuous relationships.
- External collaborations. Close coordination with psychologists and/or social workers from the EAP (Assessment and Psychopedagogical Guidance Teams, of the Education Consortium), as well as with external services and centers that serve students with special educational needs.
- Adapted resources:
- We use the iPad as a diversity support tool, providing tools adapted to the different needs of students.
- We have reception classrooms for newcomers, ensuring a smooth and effective integration into our educational community.

Stage organization
We approach learning from different perspectives, emphasizing practical and competency-based work to promote a deep understanding of the content. We foster personal autonomy, providing students with the necessary tools to make informed and responsible decisions.
We group all curricular competencies into four major areas:
Enfila’t. Linguistic project. Integrated by the areas of Catalan, Spanish and English.
Createch. Science and technology. Integrated by the areas of mathematics and knowledge of the natural, social, and cultural environment.
Àrtic. Art and movement. Integrated by the areas of visual and plastic education, musical education, and physical education.
Singular and plural. Individuality and the collective. Integrated by the areas of education in values and citizenship, entrepreneurship and personal, social, and learning to learn skills.
We highlight the singularities of each area:
- Enfila’t. Linguistic project:
- Diversification in English classes in 5th and 6th grades of primary education. We divide the tutorial group in half to provide more personalized attention.
- Multilevel proposals in 1st grade to promote learning and improvement in reading and writing.
- UBinding Project: development of tools for the acquisition and improvement of reading skills for younger students.
- Stage project When the words arrive… as a starting point for text development.
- Participation in literary competitions.
Destaquem com a singularitats de cada àmbit:
Enfila’t. Projecte lingüístic:
- Diversificació en les classes d’anglès de 5è i 6è d’EP. Desdoblem els grups per proporcionar una atenció més personalitzada.
- Propostes multinivell a 1r per impulsar l’aprenentatge i la millora de la lectura i l’escriptura.
- Projecte UBinding: desenvolupament d’eines per a l’adquisició i millora de la capacitat lectora per als més petits.
- Projecte d’etapa Quan arribin les paraules… com a punt de partida per a l’elaboració de textos.
- Participació en certàmens literaris
Createch. Science and technology
- Innovamat: manipulative, competency-based, and innovative proposal for learning mathematics.
- Learning based on sequential thinking (programming language and robotics).
- Globalized work projects.
- Use of iPad and Chromebook devices to work in the virtual environment.
Àrtic. Art and movement:
Musical programming:
- From 4th grade of primary school, students can choose different musical itineraries: wind-brass, string, and percussion instruments. And from 5th grade of primary school, keyboard learning is added. All instruments are worked on in small groups.
- Orchestral ensembles of strings, wind-brass, keyboards, and percussion
Singular and plural. Individuality and the collective:
- Practice of Mindfulness led by professionals from the Educational Guidance Service.
- Learning based on games in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades of primary school. A method that uses edited games as a means to achieve specific learning objectives selected to work on the skills, abilities, and competencies that educators establish as goals.
- Mentoring between 6th-grade and 1st-grade students.
- Educational outings, excursions outside the school, related to the curriculum and group cohesion.
- Living together in natural environments throughout the stage.
- Celebration of traditional and popular festivals.
- Participation in solidarity campaigns: blood bank, Christmas at Sant Pau Hospital, and a run for charity.
Know our spaces
We have spaces fully suitable for our educational needs:
- New spaces in the hallways: Biblioplant and Createch.
- IPSI Library, from first grade students can borrow books
- Music room with string, wind, and metal instruments in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.
- Percussion and metal wind classroom.
- Rehearsal room for performing arts.
- Workshop for plastic arts.
- Own gymnasium.
- School’s own swimming pool (or at Sant Jordi swimming pool with older students).