Sport School
Escola ipsi

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IPSI - Escola concertada Barcelona

Escola concertada de Barcelona

Sport School

Sports school web:

In the sports school we want our students to be able to increase the time dedicated to  physical activity during the week. We offer a wide range of  activities that allow the students to have a healthy development and rich in social and mobility experiences.
The sports school is organised and coordinated by the same school to achieve the best relation between extracurricular sport and academic and personal training. 

We offer initiation to sports to children from 3 to 8 years old, based on various mobility experiences playing games. When they are 9 years old, the students choose a sport or a leisure activity with which we try to transmit sport and healthy culture. 

General Information

All our monitors and trainers are coordinated and accompanied by experts in the different sportives modalities. We aim that older students of the sports school become trainers of the youngest students, reaching this objective with the appropriate formation of the necessities of the activity and with the support and orientation of the coordinators of each sport. 
Games have an evolutive role in the different stages of the sport formation of our students. It is the main resource for the activities of the youngest and it loses relevance as the children grow up. The eldest must appreciate and enjoy the personal effort and teamwork as a motivation to keep practising sport. “That what we achieve together and implies effort, it will fulfill us as individuals and as a group ”.
When it is possible, we try to make groups to reach more favourable atmospheres to their physical and emotional development. We also try to make it possible that our students keep practising their sports once finished their school formation.
Sportive values such as respect (to the adult, the classmates and the opponents), effort, companionship, compromise, teamwork, hygiene and healthy habits, must be a constant in all our sports. 
Sempre que podem intentem agrupar els alumnes per aconseguir entorns més favorables per al seu desenvolupament físic i emocional. També vetllem perquè els nostres esportistes puguin continuar practicant el seu esport un cop acabada l’etapa escolar.

Valors esportius com el respecte (a l’adult, als companys i als rivals), l’esforç, la companyonia, el compromís, el treball en equip, la higiene i els hàbits saludables, volem que siguin una constant de tots els nostres esportistes.


Federated competition with more than 200 players from ‘premini’ category until ‘cadet’. Continuity from junior category to senior category in the CB IPSI in the same sportive facilities in the school. 


Fully equipped gym with all the gymnastics tools (balance beam, uneven bars, tumbling track, jumping platform, pommel horse, fixed and parallel beam). Federated competition in promotion categories. 


School competition or federated competition depending on the level of the athletes. Tatami size: 10x9 meters. Periodical exams to be able to reach the next belt.


From P2 to 6º Primary. Possibility of competition from 3r Primary. Own swimming pool in the school.